Senior Frontend Software Engineer

A results-driven and detail-oriented Senior Frontend Software Engineer with more then 4.5 years of experience in the Ed-tech and Fin-tech industries. I have a strong background as a developer and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality, efficient, and reliable code. I have developed an ed-tech product with CTO from scratch and now that product helps more than two million children and send more than a lakh of content(text + multimedia) to whatsapp group daily to provide education.

Proficient in leveraging React.js and Next.js framework to create highly interactive and dynamic frontend solutions, coupled with expertise in PHP frameworks including CodeIgniter, CakePHP, and Laravel for efficient backend development.

l am a team player and have excellent communication skills, making me an asset to any development team. I am excited to continue to grow my skills and take on new challenges as a senior software engineer.

| December 15, 2023
Introducing Buddy Chat Web App: Redefining Communication with Simplicity and Security
Buddy Chat web App is expertly crafted with ReactJS and Tailwind CSS for a sleek UI, complemented by Socket.IO for seamless messaging functionality. Utilizing localDB and MongoDB for database operations, it ensures simplicity, security, and reliability. A trusted platform for free, private communication, fostering effortless connections with friends and family.
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| September 21, 2023
Introducing Clock PWA: Your Ultimate Timekeeping Companion
Clock PWA, meticulously developed with ReactJS, Redux, and Material UI for frontend intricacies, and powered by indexedDB for seamless database operations. Combining diverse functionalities including analog and digital clock designs, world time, multiple alarms, timers, and stopwatch features, it offers a comprehensive yet elegant timekeeping solution.
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| August 12, 2023
Empowering Education: Custom Certificate Generation and WhatsApp Group Distribution
In the realm of education, recognition plays a pivotal role in motivating learners and celebrating their achievements. Custom Certificates Generation emerges as a transformative feature, enabling the effortless creation and dissemination of personalized certificates to WhatsApp groups. This innovative tool harnesses the power of certificate images and data from Excel sheets to generate thousands of unique certificates with just a single click, catering to diverse recipients with individualized details.
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| March 18, 2022
Empowering Data Analysis with Dynamic Dashboards: A Game-Changer for Rocket Learning Platform Users
In today's data-driven world, access to real-time data analysis and visualization is paramount for informed decision-making. For users of the Rocket Learning Platform, this necessity is met through the innovative Dynamic Dashboard feature. Designed to provide users with customizable graphs and analytics, this feature revolutionizes the way data is interpreted and utilized.
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